Notifications for all user under organization

Rodrigo Haim
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March 23, 2018

Good morning, we have implemented the JIRA service desk with few organizations. All users at this moment are receiving the notifications for each ticket that any user under the same organization create. Exist any possibility just to send an email for the user who create the ticket?




Rodrigo Haim

2 answers

5 votes
Jack Brickey
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March 23, 2018

for Cloud... (server details may vary)

project > project settings > customer notifications ... disable the organization added notification rule



Michael Aglas
August 24, 2022

what about data center?

Like Christian Sprenger likes this
Christian Sprenger
December 20, 2023


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Christian Sprenger
December 20, 2023

We faced similar. Probably your case is fixed already but if anyone figures the same, I'd like to add what we did.

We received complains that everyone receives a mail of anything. But Agents did not receive mails if the Reporter commented their tickets.

Under *Admin -> Applications -> JSM Configuration -> Notification* we *enabled* both System and Customer notifications



Then, under *Customer notifications* on every project, we *disabled* every rule


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