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No longer able to move ticket through workflow

Dustin Metcalf August 24, 2020

I've created a workflow that allows users to respond to "Resolved" tickets and have them reopen. The issue is in one of my projects (the others work fine), this reopens the ticket, sets the resolution to "Unresolved." Now that the ticket is reopened, we comment on it and wish to close it again, but none of the transitions appear in the ticket.

Here is a quick path to show where I'm at in relation to this ticket, there are other status I'm not covering.

Ticket Open -> Waiting for support -> Resolved -> Waiting for support

Now I can't move it back to resolved, or any other status suck as In Progress, On Hold, or Rejected.

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Jack Brickey
Community Leader
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August 24, 2020

Have you inspected the workflow? Can you share a screenshot of the workflow? When you are in Waiting for support what transition options do you have?

Dustin Metcalf August 24, 2020

I've inspected the workflow, it is actually the exact same as another project and I don't have this problem. Normally I can go from Waiting for Support to any other status, but if I go from Resolved to Waiting for Support, I can no longer move/transition the issue.


Jack Brickey
Community Leader
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
August 24, 2020

So if you create a new issue in this project you are able to transition that from waiting for support to in progress but not if it was previously resolved? If in fact this is a shared workflow with the other project and the previous statement is true then I’m scratching my head. Can you check for any Conditions on this workflow? 

Dustin Metcalf August 24, 2020

There are no condition requirements for this project workflow. It is kept very simple for the team. So yea, I did check that and other like items such as post-fuctions. I'm kind of at a loss myself, this is very strange.

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