No email notifications when a request is commented on

Shepherd Yang August 10, 2017

I as the assignee only get a notification when a request is created, but afterwards neither the agent or customer gets a notification when a public comment is added to the request.

Is there a Jira admin (instead of project admin) setting needs to be set?


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Susan Hauth _Jira Queen_
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August 11, 2017

Hi Shepherd.

For the customer to receive a notification when a comment is added that must be enabled in the Customer Notifications - Public comment added.  Make sure that is enabled and it's going to the "reporter".

For yourself to receive notification - this will be in the Project Admin - Notifications.   Make sure that "Issue Commented" has "Current Assignee"

Hope that helps.

Shepherd Yang August 14, 2017

Hi Suan,

Thanks for pointers!

I was able to get customers to receive notification when agent adds a public comment, but wasn't able to get agent notified when a customer adds a comment. Would it be possible that you meant "System admin" by "Project admin"? I don't seem to able to find the Project admin settings. 


Susan Hauth _Jira Queen_
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August 16, 2017

Hi Shepherd.  For the agent to get notified, this needs to be configured in the Project - Settings - Notifications.  The default Notification scheme should work as long as the agent is the assignee of the request.

Shepherd Yang August 21, 2017

Hi Susan,

I went back to double-check my settings. They seemed the same as you suggested (please see screenshots below). Currently, the request is shared with an organization. Every customer (but not agents) in that org gets notifications when the request is commented.

Is there anything else that I'm not doing correctly? 






Susan Hauth _Jira Queen_
Community Leader
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August 22, 2017


That looks right.  And the issue is assigned to an agent and not just left unassigned? 

For our service desk we customized the notification scheme so that issue created goes to the "Service Desk Team".  Maybe you want to add the Service Desk Team into comment added to see if anyone gets those notifications?

Otherwise I'm at a loss.


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