Jira Service Desk version 3.12.1 release

Seweryn Szatkowski
April 20, 2018


We are in the middle of testing Jira Service Desk and we experienced this issue:


It was fixed in JSD version 3.12.1 but for now the newest version ready to install is 3.12.0:


And we have it already. 

When version 3.12.1 will be available to installation?

Best regards




1 answer

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Andy Heinzer
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
April 20, 2018

Hi Seweryn,

Sorry to hear that you have been effected by this bug.   As you have noted, this bug is expected to be fixed once the 3.12.1 version has been released.  However I do not have an exact date, nor do I have an official estimation of when this version will be released to the public.

You could review the previous Jira Service Desk release notes to get a sense of the typical release cycle for Service Desk.   Incremental releases like this in recent history have tended to appear about once every 3-8 weeks usually.  However this is not a guarantee that this pattern will continue.

I would recommend watching the current Release notes page for updates, and/or that marketplace version link you posted to see when this will become available,



Seweryn Szatkowski
April 23, 2018

OK, thank you Andy :)



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