Jira Chart - Use custom date field instead of Issue Created date

Mark M
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July 16, 2020


I'm using the Created & Resolved Chart - But I don't want the chart to key (X axis) on the issue Created date, I want the chart to use a Custom Date field that I created. 

I want to create a Jira Chart that displays the result of a JQL query that shows the number of issues based on a specific date range that is in a custom date field NOT the Created date of the issue. Often times in my JSD instance I tag a specific date to my issue, and I want to track on that value instead of the Issue Creation/Resolved date. 

So in a perfect world - 

Y axis - number of issues responsive to my JQL query to that includes a custom date field

X axis - not keyed on the issue Creation Date - but the Custom Date Field that I created

Is there a way to by fully flexible on charts? The user defines which variables to consider when showing the chart?

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Tessa Tuteleers
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July 16, 2020

Hi Mark, 

the built-in "Time since" chart may be what you are looking for. 

It maps any filter you want and shows the time since any date field you have. 
It can however map only 1 date field and not 2 like the created & resolved chart. 

Hope this helps! 

- Tessa

Screenshot 2020-07-16 at 17.19.10.pngScreenshot 2020-07-16 at 17.19.20.png

Suresh Krishnan
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June 10, 2021

This is useful. Is there a gadget available that can show trend using two different dates? You had mentioned it can use only one date. I have custom fields created due, actual resolved dates and would like to show created and resolved in the same chart

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