JQL query Waiting on Customer longer than X

Gualter Augusto February 6, 2018



I need help in setting up a queue. I need to have a list of all issues that have "Waiting for Customer" status unchanged for longer than 7 days.


How can i achieve this?


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Thomas Deiler
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February 6, 2018
project = XYZ AND status = "Waiting for Customer" and updatedDate <= -7d

The only problem: This wouldn't work if some one else edits a single field or adds a comment. Then the updatedDate is modified (not by the customer).

So long


Gualter Augusto February 6, 2018

i understand. This can work for me i guess!

Thank you!

0 votes
Bartosz Wojciechowski February 6, 2018


Try this one:

status = "Waiting for Customer" and not status changed after startOfWeek()

Probably, you need to work with time part (after / before / during) but you will do it fine

Gualter Augusto February 6, 2018

does startofWeek = monday


today minus 7 days?



Bartosz Wojciechowski February 6, 2018

startofWeek = monday

If you want 7 days, it should be like that:

status = "Waiting for Customer" and not status changed after -7d

Gualter Augusto February 6, 2018


Thanks for your help.


In my use-case it would be even better to have this status "unchanged after X", with X being an un-static value.

I achieved this by:

- creating a custom date-time field, named "Snooze Until";

- every time an issue is created i set it to: now()+1 day, with Automation for JIRA

- for every issue, i can change the value to what i want (e.g. 1 week, 3 days, etc)

- the JQL now is: 

issuetype in (Incident, Question) AND status = "Waiting for customer" AND "Snooze Until" < now() 



Basically i want to respond to all my tickets, and then follow up later on to those i did not have response (and the i decide what to do: close, resolve, etc)

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