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Insight Object integration

Aravind Krishnan
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July 18, 2020


I am going to prepare a demo for JIRA SERVICE DESK to client team.

I need some clarifications regarding JSD.

1. When we integrate INSIGHT to JSD, Is it possible to provide a drop down list for insight object schema while we creating a new issue?

2. If we integrate Documents to JSD, Is it possible to link specific file to All created issues with specific summary format?


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Dirk Ronsmans
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July 18, 2020

Hi @Aravind Krishnan ,

For question 1, yes.

You will create a new custom Insight field that you link to a specific object scheme with or without a filter on it.

This you can display wherever you want (portal or regular issue view)

That is one of the integrations you have with Insight.

For question 2:

Do you mean a specific app called "Documents" or do you mean Confluence? Just making sure we are talking about the same here :)

Aravind Krishnan
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
Those new to the Atlassian Community have posted less than three times. Give them a warm welcome!
July 18, 2020

We already installed "Documents for Jira" Plugin in my local machine. 

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