Incoming mail creates customer in wrong group

Nick Bloemers August 10, 2017



I have a question about how the default Jira Mail Handler creates users when it is recieving a supportmail.


Senario: When a customer sends a mail to our supportdesk, the jira mail handler pickes it up from our popbox. The mail is processed, and a ticket is created. Also it is creating a new customer, and takes up one licence from our total of 3 licences.


I think that a customer of ours doesnt need a licence, for mailing to our servicedesk. We have 3 licences, and 2 agents. 

If we see a new ticket from our customers, we need to delete the licence from the created customer, to accept new tickets from mail. If from a customer the licence is removed, and they mail again the ticket is still created.


Is this the normal way, or do i have a configuration error?


Sorry for my bad english, my native language is Dutch.

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Jack Brickey
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August 10, 2017

@Nick Bloemers,

first you don't have to appologize for bad english if you are Dutch. My english is bad and that is my native language. ;-)

Customers do not require a license and should not consume a license unless for some reason you wanted them to be an agent which would be an unusual scenario. I'm a bit baffled by this and am struggling to understand how this would happen, but will see if I can figure it out. 

Can you provide more info?

Cloud or Server? I'm guessing server since in cloud you only acquire licenses when you assign someone as an Agent. That is, it is done dynamically and billed monthly based upon the then active number of Agents. I'm on cloud so my help on server will be somewhat limited.

When you say the newly created customer takes a license are you saying they are listed as an Agent? Can you provide a screenshot of what you are seeing?

I'm sure other champions will chime in here too so we will get this worked out for sure.

Nick Bloemers September 29, 2017

Sorry for my very late response, it was super busy at our company,

We have fixed the issue, by enabling the mail handler under the project settings in stead of enabling the mail handler under the system settings.


All goes well now :-)

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