I can't reassign issues to customers that was able to do before

February 19, 2018



We upgraded our JIRA and SD to the latest version 7.7.1. There was no changes to configuration nor any other settings. Before, I was able to create myself from received from my customers emails JDS issues by simply assigning them to new tickets. This has stopped working and can't see customers in Assignee drop down nor when type their names.




I have a designated group that contains users from a linked extrnal AD. This group has access to JIRA application.


In project settings  'Users and roles' I have added this CROWD group under 'Service Desk Customers'.

In project settings 'Permissions' adding the same group in 'Issue Permissions' > 'Assignable User' is causing an error message that there is a problem with permissions.

I've tested an example user using Permission Helper and it now shows that this user needs a License???
I've looked at JIRA upgrade notes in latest upgrade and there is no mention about licensing schema change at all so why what was working before has now stopped out of the blue without any explanation from your side?



Day by day your product is becomin less and less usable. You don't respond to tickets with customer requests for change of existing or new features that would make their lives easier. Those tickets has been for years unassigned even though critical things such as customised domain, subdomain for JDS or ability to turn off emoticons in text editor (that annoy and replace characters - try and pressing down arrow on the keyboard ':'). The quality of the software is degrading significantly and more bugs are introduced to new releases.

2 answers

0 votes
February 21, 2018

A JIRA server restart solved the problem and we're able again to reassign tickets.

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Andy Heinzer
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
February 20, 2018

What version did you upgrade from for both Jira and Jira Service Desk?   The service desk version you must be running with Jira 7.7.1 must be a 3.10.x version, but if you were previously running a Jira 6.x version, it's possible you could have been using a much older version of Service Desk.

There were lots of changes made to Service Desk licensing back in 2.0 and again in 3.0.   Since 3.0.x the way user accounts are handled and licensed by Service Desk has not changed into 3.10.x.

Please clarify this statement:

Before, I was able to create myself from received from my customers emails JDS issues by simply assigning them to new tickets.

I am not clear what you mean by this. 


I am also confused by your setup here.   In Service Desk, users in the customer role are not expected to be assigned issues.  They are only expected to be able to create issues, in which case they become the reporter of that issue.  Only the JSD Agents are expected to be in the application access of Service Desk, and in the project role called 'Service Desk Team'.  Only a user in the Service Desk Agent role can be assigned to issues in a Service Desk project.    I would want to make sure that we're using the same terms for these user roles. Please see Setting up service desk users, where all these terms are defined and there exists much more information on what each role is expected to be able to do.

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