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How can i bulk import users and their properties through CLI

GG February 25, 2020


I want create bulk users with SLI in Jira Service Desk. I have reviewed all information on JIRA and Bob Swift Communities. But I couldn't do it. Could you please describe detailed activities in CLI?


2 answers

2 accepted

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Answer accepted
Deleted user March 2, 2020

Hi @GG ,

We see that you have not responded to our earlier queries so far. If there is no response from you in the next 2 business days, we would like to resolve this request by EOD, Tuesday, 3 Mar 2020.

We are here to help you and in case, if you have any issues, please comment on the support request and we will be able to help you with your issue. Please feel free to reopen or add a comment to this ticket if desired.

Also, please confirm, if you or your team member has opened a similar request with us, If so please comment on any one of them.


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Answer accepted
Deleted user February 25, 2020

Hi GG,

We are from BobSwift support team.

We have created a support request on behalf of you in our portal. Could you please signup to our portal and try to access the ticket to discuss more on this issue.

Meanwhile, could you please provide the below CLI action command, to create bulk users in Jira service desk.

-action runFromCsv --file "organization.csv" --common "--action addOrganizationUsers" --continue

Provide organization, user details in the CSV file and run the above action command.

Please access the Support-3594, to discuss more on this.



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