How can I get information about storage capacity and performance report?

Administración_Soporte July 26, 2019

Hi! I need to get information about Jira Service desk cloud storage capacity and a platform operation report, does anyone know if this information can be obtained?


Hola! necesito obtener información sobre la capacidad de almacenamiento de Jira Service desk Cloud y algun reporte del funcionamiento de la plataforma, alguien sabe si puedo obtener esta información?



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Angélica Luz
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 30, 2019

Hello there,

Thank you for getting in touch with Atlassian Community!
The storage limit for Jira is 250GB. You can find more details and also de frequently asked questions on the link below:
- Atlassian Cloud storage policy

Related to the report, can you please give us more details about what would be the platform operation report? What information would you like to see in this report?


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