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Having issues setting up customers submitting tickets by email.

Andrew Albin July 2, 2020

So here is some info before I get started....   


1) All users in our environment have been added using LDAP  

2) We are using an email address with Office 365 as our support email that the users can email to submit a ticket.  

3) I have setup email requests in Project Settings>Email Requests. I can confirm that the email used here did receive the test email. It then disappears from the inbox after a minute or two.

4) In Customer Permissions I have set "Anyone can email the service desk or raise a request in the portal".

5) I can confirm the users CAN log into the portal and create a ticket, and it works fine.   

6) in Settings>Incoming Mail I can confirm that the POP/IMAP Server matches the Project Settings>Email Request settings.


So basically what is happening is I have someone who has never logged into the portal, but they do have an account associated with their email, sending a ticket to the support email. I can see the email go through to the mailbox, it then deletes it after a short while. And it never creates a ticket.


I had 1 user log into the portal to create a ticket and it worked. I had that same person send a test email through and it did NOT work even after she logged in.

Me and the other administrator can submit tickets by email just fine, so I know its setup correctly. I feel like it may be a permissions issue?  None of the users are part of a group as the only groups I can find are Jira Administrators and Jira Service Desk Users. 


This is the error we are getting when we send a test email:

"Cannot create issue due to invalid license: [Sorry, you can't create any issues right now, as you need to have access to a Jira application to be able to create issues. To gain application access you need to be a member of a group assigned to an application.]"

We are licensed for 3 agents and there are only 2 of us as admins/service desk users.


What am I doing wrong?



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Petter Gonçalves
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 14, 2020

Hello @Andrew Albin

Welcome to the Atlassian Community!

Can you confirm if the user that is facing the problem has a valid Jira license? Or is she added only as a customer to your Service desk?

Considering all the details you provided and the error message, I believe the user is probably facing the behavior mentioned in the feature request below, where the creation of tickets through e-mail does not work if the customer was added to Jira as an agent that was deactivated or don't have the proper permissions:

User from servicedesk portal can't create issue by email 

Feel free to vote and watch the suggestion to increase its priority and also receive notifications about any updates.

To fix this behavior, you can follow one of the suggestions below:

  • Remove the user from your Jira database completely, leaving her access only as a customer in your JSD.
  • Reactive the user as an Agent, configuring her to have the permissions to create issues in your site.

For more details about Agent and Customer access, you can check the documentation below:

Jira Service Desk: Agents, Customers, and Roles 

Let us know if you have any questions.

Andrew Albin July 14, 2020

Only took 2 weeks to get a response. Pretty terrible service here.

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