Export of Jira tickets filter (Acceptance criteria and Description fields)

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November 26, 2020


I would need to export in csv and then xsl, the list of Jira tickets with all the selected fields that have been set in the Jira ticket filter, including Acceptance criteria and Description fields.

See photo "Jira_filter" to see the Jira page filter I would need to export in csv and then xsl.

- By exporting Current fields (see photo "Export")

--> The csv/xsl does not contain the fields Acceptance criteria and Description (see photo "Export_No_AC_Nor_Description").

- By exporting All fields (see photo "Export_all_fields")

--> The csv contains the 2 fields but not all in the same column with the other fields so impossible to separate the fields into the different columns and manage them in xsl format (see photo "Export_csv_KO").

May anyone help me ?

Thanks in advance








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