Email Request in Service Desk Server not picking up email

Anthony Russo February 19, 2018

I have an email request inbox set up on our exchange server. When sending an email to our support address, the email goes into the mailbox but JIRA Service Desk will not read the mailbox. 

I have tested the connection and Jira connects to the exchange environment and the mailbox. I have ran through the troubleshooting steps but does not resolve the issue.

2 answers

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Anthony Russo February 21, 2018

We actually found the answer after digging through some documentation.

hank you for the help

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Dave Theodore [Coyote Creek Consulting]
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February 19, 2018

Are all incoming email to the mailbox landing in the "InBox" folder? Jira won't look at any that are not. It also ignores emails where the "reply-to" address does not belong to one, and only one, user in Jira (by default.) 

Is it ignoring all incoming mail from that mailbox or only some?

Anthony Russo February 20, 2018

All email is landing in the inbox. Jira is ignoring all incoming mail in that mailbox.

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