Dashboard creation

Ekaterina Nikolich February 16, 2018

Hi community !!

I need to create dashboard (The Two-Dimensional Filter Statistics gadget), on which Y-axis - ASSIGNEE, and X - axis - I need to choose SERVICE SD,

cause me and my team are members of several services. But in pick list there is no choice of SERVICE SD. How can I add it?

OR maybe you could suggest on how to track a few teams with assignees (atteNtion: not projects!!!) with there TASKS (UREQS) with statuses open, new, in progress, postponded (and so on). 

THANX A LOT !!!!!!

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Alex Christensen
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February 16, 2018

Hi, Ekaterina! Quick question - what type of field is "SERVICE SD?" Not all field types are available to use in the Two Dimensional Filter Statistics gadget. For example, if SERVICE SD is a free-text field and you can input any data you want, you won't be able to use this in the Two Dimensional Filter Statistics gadget. If SERVICE SD is supposed to only have a pre-defined set of values, I recommend making this a single-select dropdown field so it can be used in a lot of gadgets on a dashboard (pie charts, filter statistics, etc.).

How are you currently differentiating work for these different teams (i.e. how do you know that Task A is for Team A and Task B is for Team B)? Do you use custom field(s)? Is this what SERVICE SD is for? I'd create a filter of each team's tasks (based on however you differentiate that using field values), then create separate gadgets on a dashboard to track their work (by assignee, by status, or by other custom fields, as well).

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