Create automation to change status of JIRA

Rinju Mukherjee
August 11, 2017

Dear Expert,

We are currently evaluating JIRA service desk to support our customer. We defined a workflow in the service desk, in which when agent wants help from development, s/he create a linked issue in JIRA. For such case, we set the incident in service desk as 'With Development'. Via automation, when JIRA issue changes/resolved, a comment added in the service desk ticket. Then agent closes the incident. So far so good.

Here comes the problem, now let's say customer reopens the incident. It comes back to service desk with status 'In Progress'. Still it may happen that agent can resolve it. But in case agent need further help (let's say fix did not resolve the issue), then how do we involve dev team again? Can we set an automated rule in the service desk so that when agent again set the status to 'With Development', it transfers agent's internal comment to JIRA and also changes JIRA issue status to 'In Progress'?

Please suggest. Do let me know in case you need further details from my side.



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Walter Buggenhout
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August 12, 2017


Make sure you have a transition in your workflow from In Progress to With Development. Or maybe even use a different status to go to when you let customers reopen a ticket.

To involve development again, create a new linked issue for them and from there use the same process as during the first iteration.

Rinju Mukherjee
August 13, 2017

Hi Walter,

Thanks for the answer but unfortunately this will not work for us. If we create a new incident every time customer re-opens an incident, then all analysis, information etc is lost in the new incident. An incident typically can be re-opened multiple times, hence it will be very difficult to manage such thing.

Most importantly, this will show wrong information in the reporting as well, like solution share matrix between support and development, development's effort on customer incident etc.

I believe this is a very common scenario in any customer support, so i hope there will be a better solution for it.



Jack Brickey
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August 13, 2017

You don't need to create a new linked issue. You can reopen the original if that is desired.

Rinju Mukherjee
August 15, 2017

Hi Jack,

Ya but it is indeed a manual effort. What I am missing is seamless integration b/w JIRA service desk and JIRA software. Unfortunately, that does not seem to be the case, that too for the common scenario like the one mentioned above. 



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