Change Request Approvals

Marc Deslauriers February 19, 2018

Hi all,

I am currently evaluating Jira Service Desk (Cloud).  At the moment, I'm trying to lock down the Change Request process.  I'd like to accomplish a few things that are standard requirements of Change Management, but so far have been tricky for me to implement in the demo:

  1. Multi-level change approvals based on components (when creating an issue).
    For example, a standard change for a switching port configuration will always automatically require the Network Admin to approve.   Next, the change will go to a CAB, which requires 50% of its members to approve (or half the number of members in the CAB if that's easier to do - again *pre-filled*).  Only after these two approvals does the change go to implementation.

I can only manage to do this by creating Request Types for each type of change, and then creating a new change with a Service Request, which (seems?) to take the Service Desk admin out of the normal interface for creating issues. 

Also, this doesn't seem to address the "pre-populating" (i.e. Network changes always pre-fills Network Admin as the first approver; Application changes always prefills the Application owner as the first approver, and so on). 

Any idea from the community on how to best accomplish this?


1 answer

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Ege Su Inan November 29, 2018


I'm sure there are multiple ways of doing this but i would also recommend a plugin called Insight.

You can define the owners of a system then you can populate the people in the ticket for approval.

We also do have a process like that, you can also use the insight post functions to populate the users.

I would also recommend to use a notification plugin to notify the people who needs to approve. (I also love notification helper) for that purpose.

If you ant to do a quick way without using a plugin, you can also set values for each category in the portal. 


Ege Su

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