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Capturing who transitions an issue through the customer portal

Kimi Nakashima July 17, 2020

I'm working with Jira Service Desk server and we have an issue that has a transition called "ready to ship" that allows our customers to notify us when they are ready for us to ship to them. This transition is visible on the customer portal to everyone in the customer's organization. 

I was wondering if there was some way to capture in the issue which customer in the organization was the one who transitioned it. For example, we were asked which issue was the last one that "John Smith" transitioned and we didn't have a good, quick way to find that out for them. If I had that information in a custom field, I could search his name and sort by updated date. Without it we had to go through the history for every issue of that type and look for who transitioned it.


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Phill Fox
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July 19, 2020

Hi @Kimi Nakashima 

I would look at the workflow and where you have the transition to "ready to ship" and then add a post function to that transition to capture the currentuser in your customfield. Depending on what Apps you have installed you may find you have one or more ways of capturing this. 

I would also make sure the customfield is in the view screen but NOT in the edit screen to ensure that you have data integrity. 



Kimi Nakashima July 20, 2020

@Phill Fox That worked brillantly! Thank you very much!

Phill Fox
Community Leader
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
July 21, 2020

@Kimi Nakashima 

Glad to be able to help and thanks for accepting my solution. 


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