Can i be notified of an email being sent to a restricted service desk from an unknown customer?

Deleted user February 16, 2015

I would like to be notified of an attempt to create a JIRA Service Desk ticket via email by an unknown customer. 

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Richard Saffell
February 17, 2015

I don't think this is possible.  I'm sure the answer will be the same as what I received regarding having the sender be alerted that their email was not processed into an open ticket because they were not a requester/participant: "in the event of multiple spam accounts start sending e-mails to it, your server would be overloaded and that could cause severe performance problems".

So in both of our cases, someone sends an email expecting us to receive it and be able to respond, but instead, Service Desk skips the email and doesn't notify anyone.  So we end up with an upset customer.

Deleted user February 17, 2015

Thanks Richard. There are other ways to handle the spam. Meanwhile, as you said, we have a solution that results in upset customers for a Service Desk application. Kinda runs counter to what a mission statement for a Service Desk application should state.

Richard Saffell
February 17, 2015

I feel like the Support system's #1 responsibility is communication. This issue was the proverbial straw for us. We already had three tickets open for communication-related issues when we came across this one. Good luck.

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