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Can i add blink effect to text in Field help ?

Andrey Rudnev
October 29, 2021

Hello everyone! This is a slightly off-standard question. I have text that should ideally blink to grab attention. On my screen, in the Field help column, the word EXAMPLE should be blinking. In order to make it bold and red, I used the following code:

{color: # d04437}*EXAMPLE*{color}


I googled, but the options that google offer, I could not connect - it does not work. Maybe you know how to implement such an idea? I would be grateful for your help)

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Alex Koxaras _Relational_
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June 20, 2024

Hi @Andrey Rudnev 

I'm not sure you can do that, at least not with out of the box functionalities.

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