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Can I create an SLA by any other field ex: Tag, Impact, whatever I want?

Helmut Hodin
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May 10, 2024

I want to create an SLA using other fields like Tag, Component, Impact, Severity  whatever field I decide cuz 

I have the following problem:

I want to create an Incident which have  

Priority:  High  which means it has to be resolved in 20h max

Complexity:  Simple  which means it can be resolved in 4h max 


And I want this can apear in the SLA field  so I cant filter or take desicion over this incidents  based on the priority and complexity 

2 answers

1 vote
Walter Buggenhout
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May 10, 2024

Hi @Helmut Hodin and welcome to the Community!

I cannot really link the question to be able to set up an SLA by any field with the example you give about priority and complexity. 

But apart from that, if you are talking about setting SLA target timings by any (combination of) field(s), that should be possible.

When you set a target resolution time, you use a JQL filter to specify what makes a ticket fall into that target's criteria. e.g. the following filter:

Priority = High

would select all tickets where High is set as the priority. You can specify an SLA calendar and a target of e.g. 20h for those tickets, to build upon your example there.

The following filter:

Complexity = Simple

would then select all tickets matching that selection. You can - again - add an target resolution time of 4h as per your example.

However, you will run into trouble if you start mixing your target criteria like this. Suppose you have a ticket with high priority, but simple complexity, the target time in this example will be set to the criteria that is matched first. To avoid trouble, you may consider combining criteria and set target resolution times based on combined fields, as e.g.

Priority = High AND Complexity = Simple

Priority = Medium AND Complexity = Simple

Priority = Low AND Complexity = Simple

Priority = High AND Complexity = Medium


And so on, specifying target timings for each unique example. You can - of course - use any other fields you use on your ticket forms to determine your target filters. JQL filters are very flexible.

Hope this helps!

0 votes
Vijay Dadi
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May 12, 2024

@Helmut Hodin have you tried the solution suggested by @Walter Buggenhout ?

Helmut Hodin
I'm New Here
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May 13, 2024

Yeah, I have tried something based on the solution with JQL and till now it seems to work perfectly.

If i have any other doubt I will let you know

Thank you so much.

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