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Can I add more information to an organization

Milad Sarvari February 5, 2018

I want to add a organization number to each organization. This to link the Jira service desk with the financial system Exact.

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Andy Heinzer
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
February 7, 2018

Hi Milad,

I am afraid this is not something that Service Desk is setup to be able to handle by itself.  There is an existing feature request to be able to store more information on customer accounts to be able to see such things as in

I was looking at to see if I could find a plugin for Service Desk that might be able to help provide more information in regards to this request, but I did not find a simple way to do this.  There might exist a plugin that can easily do this, but my search was inconclusive if such a plugin exists at this time.

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