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Blank customer portal

Rafael Fernandez December 23, 2014

I have a issue with customer portal (in a service desk).

When I want to access to the portal, i see a blank page.


I'll try to stop/start JIRA, deleting the folders .osgi plugins and .bundle plugins but i have the same problem.

I'll try to update the service desk plugin to the latest release and to remove/install again.


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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
September 17, 2015

Rafael, you can also check if is there any incompatibility with other plugin by enabling the Safe Mode in your JIRA.

If the problem persists, check if is there any stacktraces in your $JIRA_HOME/log/atlassian-jira.log file.


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