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Automation issue : reporter != CurrentUser()

PM TechArchitecture Team February 20, 2020

I have a problem with Automation in Jira Service Desk.


A customer added several comments on an issue that is reported by himself. 

And JSD have a automation rule with transition on comment, like below


주석 2020-02-21 131715.png


When the customer adds the first comment, the issue's status is changed to 'Waiting for Support' (It is expected and normal).

When the customer adds the second comment, the issue's status is changed to 'Waiting for Customer' (It is not expected!!)


Why the second comment triggers the automation that occurs transition issue to 'Waiting for Customer'??

The customer who adds comment is reporter of the issue. I have no idea...

Am I misunderstand about 'currentUser()'??

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Rising Star
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February 21, 2020

Hi there,

you can specify in the rule who is performing the action. I see that for the rule "waiting for support" you put user = customer (correct).
You could put the same rule for "waiting for customer" by adding user= is not customer
Perhaps this will help. 
BTW, this is an out-of-box rule in JSD - it is called "Transition on Comment".
Have you tried it ? 

PM TechArchitecture Team February 23, 2020

Thank you for the reply, Aline.


Yeah, I know out-of-box rule "Transition on Comment". I just want to change slightly for my service desk operating rules.


But It would be good to use the Transition on Comment rule. It is simple.

Thank you Aline!

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