Assign SLA per Request Type

Deleted user April 10, 2020

Can I create different SLA's and assign them to different request types? 

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Jack Brickey
Community Leader
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April 10, 2020

Yes absolutely. Have you not been able to do so?

Deleted user April 10, 2020

I am quite new on JSD and I am not able to find out how to assign SLA to a specific request type. 

On the start, there is not a field related to the request type. 

Jack Brickey
Community Leader
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April 10, 2020

You don’t do this on the triggers (start, pause, stop) rather you achieve this in the Goals section. For example if you only want an SLA on a single request type, say Building Access, you would would write a JQL like “customer request type” = “Building Access” with a goal of say 1h. Then everything else would be set to no goal which would in effect have all other request types having no timer for the specified SLA. 

you might find this article helpful - how-is-jql-used-to-create-sla-goals 

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