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Assign Issues based on staff schedules

Steve Grubb July 18, 2020

Currently, I have an automation set up where Service Desk tickets are assigned in a round-robin style.

At the beginning of each day, I have to turn on the automation rule manually.  As other team members start their day I turn off one rule and turn on a different rule that contains the other individuals who work at a different time.

I am trying to find a way where I can set where the automation only runs from certain hours.  For example, have an automation only run from 9 AM - 3 PM, and then it just stops auto assigning tickets.  

I tried using the "Advanced Compare Condition" and having it set up to be if it's greater then 9 AM and less then 3 PM but it caused the rule not to work at all.

I am not sure if it's not possible or I formatted the Advanced Compare Conditions First Value and Second Value incorrectly.

If anyone has any ideas or has successfully implemented something like this or has any ideas of how to achieve it, that would be greatly appreciated.

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Becky February 2, 2023

Hey Steve, 

I used this with automation last year, may be you've formatted wrong. 

But now I'm using JQL and created date to assign issues. 

For example, I know some issues are opened between 00:00 and 9:00, but I have just one person working at 8:00 till 9:00, so, all issues opened after midnight and before nine o'clock are assigned to him. 

created >= startOfDay() AND created < startOfDay(9h)



And after 9h, I have more staff working, so I can distribute for more than just Lucas


You also can use Advanced Compare Condition using {now.setTimeZone("America/Sao_Paulo").format("hh")} and use regex to validate if the hour is present, like this:


So even if the trigger is "when created" the automation will only assign issues if it runs between 9 and 15.

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