Agent comment internally via email?

Daniel Wakabayashi December 16, 2018

I'm using Jira Service Desk Cloud.  My customers and my agents like the option to collaborate on tickets via email rather than having to go to a browser.  

When my agents (users in my Service Desk Project with the Service Desk Team role) reply to a notification email from Jira about a ticket, their responses create public comments.

Is it possible for agents to reply to a notification email and create internal comments?  If so, how?  

Is it possible for a user with the Service Desk Team role who is replying to a notification email to choose (perhaps by inclusion of a keyword or parameter) whether the email they send creates a public or internal comment?

Thank you.


1 answer

1 vote
Angélica Luz
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
December 21, 2018

Hello Dan,

Thank you for getting in touch with Atlassian Community!
Currently, all comments added via email will be set as public, so it's not possible for the user to choose if they want to post a public or internal comment. We have a feature request suggesting the implementation of this ability:
Please, click on vote and watch to receive updates about the feature.


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