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AQL for asset field to show all inR object where user is in the group added to the group attribute

Danilo Simic June 11, 2024



I need to create an AQL that will filter all objects with inbound references where the user is part of the group selected in the group attribute which I called "Test Group" for now.



As you can see from the image, I want for reporters who are in the "JSM_BPI_AD" group to be able to selected the Business Service that has been linked here.


At the moment we are looking at the "Jira user" attribute and this is working fine, the AQL for this case is as follows:

object having inR("Jira User" = ${reporter})


This AQL allows the reporter to selected the appropriate Business Service object.

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Danilo Simic June 17, 2024

I found out the solution for this.


The AQL should be like this:

(object having inR("Jira User" = ${reporter}) or object having inR("Test Group" having user(${reporter})))


This works as intended. Only users in the selected group are able to pick the Business Services selected. Please note that the above AQL is for the "Filter issue scope (AQL)" part of the asset type fields.

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