We use JPD and we love it.
We already have a few JPD projects, one for every product, as well as for other things.
I recently noticed that the JPD chrome extension "lost" for some reason some of our projects, and allows to add insights only to two of our projects (see screenshot). Is there a limitation here? Is there a place to configure this that I missed? Is it a bug?
Hi again @Omer Meshar , for this list of projects we pull the list of projects you've opened recently - you can try opening the project in Jira and then that should work. We'll change this so it pull all projects and prioritize the recent ones
Indeed, after opening a different project, I can see it in the extension, but lost one of the projects that were there.
Waiting for the fix, so that we can find all projects.
This is still an issue.
How long does it take for extension to forget about recently visited JPD projects?
Hi @Lucas Modzelewski _Lumo_ could you please share a recording of your issue to tcrusson@atlassian.com? Thanks
I just added the JPD Chrome extension and at first was not seeing any projects. I found this thread so I visited a JPD project, closed and reopened the extension and then that project showed up. I did the same thing after visiting another JPD project and then that project showed in the list as well. I hate to have to tell my user base that this is what they'll need to do anytime the projects "disappear" from the list. Any ideas when this bug will be fixed? Is there a ticket we can follow?
Running version 1.0.1 of the extension.