There is tremendous opportunity to leverage generative AI in Jira Product Discovery (JPD) to help product teams automate and streamline their product discovery efforts.
Atlassian is already working on "Atlassian Intelligence" for their Cloud products such as Jira Software and Confluence, so there is an opportunity to integrate its AI and machine learning capabilities into JPD as well.
Other product discovery/management tools - like Productboard, Airfocus, & Reveall - already have AI-driven features powered by Open AI's ChatGPT APIs or other AI tech.
Here are some ideas and use-cases of AI in JPD:
With these features, JPD can facilitate better, faster, and more efficient product discovery for product teams.
Can you explain whether I can utilise this service but be assured that my content is never finding its way into any algorithm whether belonging to Atlassian or a third party service.
Our Discovery boards contain lots of fragments of potential IP and Patent content, I would not want any of that being absorbed into an algorithm as it is passed through the service in order to augment my Discovery experience.
Thanks for the suggestion @David Nadri . We're starting to dip our toes there, starting from the basics (and building the infrastructure for it). Can't share much more at this stage, but we're definitely going to experiment with this, things like "summarize what people are asking for based on what's in the insights section".
One thing I'm personally not convinced about is anything claiming "automated prioritization". Mainly because prioritization decisions are not only based on data, there's a lot more to it than that and it's highly collaborative. But hey, I'm sure someone will prove me wrong at some point.
@Tanguy Crusson - awesome, great to hear the JPD team is exploring with AI! Thanks Tanguy.
I agree with you - prioritization involves more than just data, including collaboration. To clarify my point, AI could assist in automatically surfacing relevant insights and data from various inputs provided to Atlassian/JPD (e.g. Goals in Atlas, JPD ideas/insights, etc) to use in collaborative decision-making discussions.
Excited to see how JPD evolves with these enhancements.
@Tanguy Crusson - following up since your last comment a few months...
Any updates you can share on when we can expect to have Atlassian Intelligence features available for Jira Product Discovery?
Atlassian Intelligence is already supported for Jira Software for things like generating, transforming, and summarizing content in issues, so it would be great to also have these features in Jira Product Discovery.
cc: @Finch Grace
@Tanguy Crusson @Finch Grace - any updates you could share about the Atlassian Intelligence integration into JPD since the last update about 6 months ago?
I would love to see Atlassian generate an "Idea short description" from the overall description in the body of an idea. Productboard does this well and it's a huge time saver. We're moving to JPD and that is a feature I am really going to miss.