How to automatically add Watchers to Ideas from @person custom fields using automation

Aaron Mosny
June 21, 2023

Hello Community!


I wanted to share with you a way to keep people you care about in the loop on your Ideas.

Using the custom field type @people in JPD, you can assign users to the field, and then create automation to add them as watchers automatically.


1. Create a @people field in your JPD project

2. Identify the customfield id for your new field using:

3. Create automation using smart values with {{customfield_#####.accountId}} to modify watchers when the value in your @people fields change.

Screenshot at Jun 21 17-14-37.png

1 comment

Tanguy Crusson
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
June 22, 2023

Oh wow that is an awesome workaround until we improve notifications! 
I'll add this to the product FAQ right now, thanks @Aaron Mosny !

Like Steffen Opel _Utoolity_ likes this
Aaron Mosny
June 22, 2023

You got it @Tanguy Crusson!


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