Delivery Progress bar value changes for every screen refresh for same set of delivery tickets. Let us know how can we handle this situation ?
I cant share a screenshot below is the scenario
1. We have an Epic linked to an Idea in the jira product delivery
2. Epic has 10 stories and 2 of them are done and 3 are in-progress
3. Delvery progress shows complete green bar and if i remove the epic and add the epic back to the idea , it shows the real progress
4. After i refresh the screen again it shows complete greenbar
@Manikandan Kaliyaperumal could you please create a ticket for this so we can look into it for you?
Hi @Manikandan Kaliyaperumal we've fixed the issue for you, I've shared the details in the support ticket that you raised with us. If you can't find it, check your email for Jira notifications.
I am experiencing a similar issue where the delivery bar does not populate until the user clicks into the ticket. We are required to click on each ticket to get the status bar to load correctly. Is this germane to the issue above?