When capturing ideas from the extension I need to define more fields

September 11, 2023



My team is using JPD with one project for all the product teams. The main reason is the ability to show one roadmap from all the teams (which I understand JPD is yet to support).


Assuming there is no option to create a unified view from multiple projects (as well as copying projects custom fields, when capturing idea, my flow is-


1. I select the signal, and create a new idea from the extension.

2. I go to the created idea, and update several fields, mainly the team.


Are there any ideas to improve the flow?

Some options I thought about include a dedicated view for ideas I created which after some time I will bulk update with team, or an automation that sets the team when I create a new idea.

Both assume I'm the only one creating ideas for the team which is not scalable.


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Rohan Swami
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
September 12, 2023

Hi @matan.grady , how frequently are you creating ideas?

We've found personally and also with customers that we get the most value out of JPD when the ideas added are large initiative-level ideas. Over time these are slowly curated - Insights are added, data is added to custom fields. Thus there isn't a need for automation, updates are infrequent and slow curation forces thinking and prioritisation.

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