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Removing Due Date formatting 'after' project is Done

Glenn A September 26, 2024

I've applied formatting to Ideas' Due Date field. OK, works fine... except after a project changes state to Done and the original Due Date has passed, then it changes to red. Sure, from a tactical POV, it doesn't matter, but, if I'm using a view to show execs the goodness of what's delivered in the past quarter, and the item has a red due date... the value of the formatting dilutes.

Once an idea is Done, how can I either:

- turn off formatting 

- disable formatting 



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Tanguy Crusson
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
September 27, 2024

Hi Glenn, you can't do it like that today: the formatting applies (or not) purely based on this date field (not a combination of field values). 

You could turn off formatting altogether though for that field? 

We've been discussing other ways to colour ideas based on field values: e.g. make it so you can apply it to specific views only (in your case: you could then not colour based on this field in the view you share with execs). But it's not roadmapped yet. 

Glenn A September 27, 2024

Noted... sadly, it's only a partly useful feature (to add date formatting around overdue or nearly due) at least on its own (using just JPD to track the road map end to end). It's useful only for things that haven't been delivered (is it on time, might not be on time, not at all on time) but once it's delivered, JPD is no longer useful to represent that issue because it conveys the exact opposite of what one has taken time to train the team to action (always late even though already delivered).

Back to the drawing board...


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