JPD and Salesforce Amount in custom field

Andy Nortrup
February 16, 2024

Hi, I'm trying to create a custom field to rollup the value of a Salesforce field titled `Total ARR (Combined)` which is a number in Salesforce. This field holds the total AAR for customers. But the only Salesforce field that I can select in JPD is "amount" which exists on opportunities, but not accounts.

I have similar other number fields that I would like to bring in other dimensions to my my prioritization. Am I missing something that I can't use number fields from Salesforce other than `Amount` even if I'm importing them?

3 answers

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Aaron Pavez _ServiceRocket_
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February 23, 2024

Hi Again!

I've tried to do and add those fields and this is what I've found:

2024-02-23 12_27_22-All Ideas - Discovery1 - Jira Product Discovery — Mozilla Firefox.jpg

If I go all the way to the bottom, I can see all the values I've configured here:

2024-02-23 12_37_34-[DIS1-1] TESTIN JIRA IDEA PRODUCT DISCOVERY - Discovery1 - Jira Product Discover.jpg

Under Insight -> configure properties.

Do you see those fields if you configure them?

And yes, the roll-up field works for the Currency field:

2024-02-23 12_40_08-All Ideas - Discovery1 - Jira Product Discovery — Mozilla Firefox.jpg

Check the FX Formula field number. The currency from Salesforce its $100.

I hope this helps to troubleshoot your issue.


Andy Nortrup
February 26, 2024

So I've configured the field for import and I do see the value in the insights view.  But it doesn't show up in any of the formula or list view options.

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Aaron Pavez _ServiceRocket_
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February 23, 2024

Hi @Andy Nortrup

From the page:

You can use only number field types from Salesforce to add them to a custom formula.


Is the combined ARR a number field?

Normally in Salesforce, the ARR its a formula field. 



Andy Nortrup
February 23, 2024

The field is a currency type, and JPD was able to import a value for it in the insight. So I'm not sure why it wouldn't be able to add the values of the field regardless of how SFDC calculates is in the backend.

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Tanguy Crusson
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
February 21, 2024

Hi Andy, this will only work if you're able to add a Salesforce object as a link to an insight, and you can see that Salesforce field on the insight. Then you can use it to create a custom formula field for it. 

Andy Nortrup
February 22, 2024

@Tanguy Crusson- I have linked the sales force object in an insight, and I have imported the field into the insight.  But when I go to create a custom field the only options I have are "confidence" and "amount". I'm not sure if I'm missing something, but it isn't apparent how to get that field in a calculation.

Do I need to use the underlying SFDC field name (ending in __c) or something?

Salesforce imports.jpg


Attempting to make a custom formulaCustom Formula.jpg


Not listed as a field for rollups.

Salesforce Insight options.jpg

Tanguy Crusson
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
February 23, 2024

hmmm, I wonder if that field is in a special format that the integration doesn't support. Would you know its type?

Andy Nortrup
February 23, 2024

I consulted with my SFDC admin and that field is a currency type field that shows up like a number in the API.

Andy Nortrup
February 27, 2024

Any additional thoughts @Tanguy Crusson ? This is a fairly critical use case for us and seems like it should be supported.

Tanguy Crusson
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
February 28, 2024

I asked the team and it looks like there are some oddities in this field that messes up with that behaviour. We are going to look into fixing this, but FYI it might be in some time (we have more urgent bugs at the moment)

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Andy Nortrup
February 28, 2024

@Tanguy Crussonthank you for the follow up. I'd add that it is all fields that I'm importing from Salesforce. Currently the only fields that do work for me are the opportunity Amount and Probability. Nothing else shows up for rollups or formulas.

Andy Nortrup
May 6, 2024

@Tanguy Crusson - Just wanted to let you know that I did some poking at this (I can't help myself), and I think that I have a theory on why this doesn't work as I expect it. 

1. I have different objects in Salesforce that I'm linking to. Depending on what I'm trying to add up I might have links to accounts, opportunities, or cases.

2. When I attempt to build a custom field JPD shows options for one of those three different objects, maybe somewhat at random. I don't really know what drives it to change. 

3. Because I'm only presented with fields from one type of object, if I'm currently seeing Opportunity object fields, then I can't build a custom field with the Total AAR Combined.

4. In a test project I can get JPD to show me fields for more than one type of SFDC object. But that only has a few (4) insights. I wonder, but haven't tested if that changes as I add more insights and maybe JPD is picking fields from the last X insights from salesforce.

5. JPD doesn't seem to have trouble keeping track of what fields to import on different objects so they show up in the UI, just for calculations.

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