Is it possible to colour an idea if a text field is not empty?

Olha Zahurska
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February 22, 2024

We need to highlight ideas based on a text field. 
For example, one of our stakeholders sees an idea as a big opportunity or commits to someone about this idea (it can happen). In our case for stakeholders, it is easier to describe a few words than fill fields like an impact, etc.
What we need to know is why this idea is "important". So what we need from a stakeholder is to give us this information. 
It is a perfect way if he can open an idea and add the information to a text field for example "Importance" (and it is different from insights) 

I have not found a possibility to colour an idea based on a text field. So I created an additional multi-select field "imp" which automatically gets the value "yes" if the field "Importance" is not empty. So I can colour ideas based on this field. 
But for our JPD users, it's not the best user experience. I can not hide fields from the layout so they can see both fields and be really confused. 

The question is - what is the best way to colour ideas based on a text field 

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Tanguy Crusson
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
February 26, 2024

Hi Olha, you cannot colour ideas based on a text field today. However what you could try is set up an automation rule that automatically sets the "imp" field when someone add text to the "important" field. (Project Settings > Automation). Would that work for you?

Olha Zahurska
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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February 27, 2024

Hi Tanguy, 
Thank you for your answer. We have already done it. Was wondering if there any other options without using "hidden" fields. 
Thank you!

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