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How to get short/compact URLs to project discovery ideas?

Seth Mason June 6, 2022

With Project Discovery ideas, clicking on the "link" symbol next to the title I get a link that looks like:<projectname>/ideas/view/123456?selectedIssue=ticket-123

I know that, if it's referencing a discovery idea will work, but this has to be handcrafted (not copy from a link, URL bar etc)

Is a shortened URL available via a click to copy for project discovery ideas?

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Tanguy Crusson
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
June 7, 2022

Hi @Seth Mason , it is not possible today. What's the reason you need the shorter version today? Thanks!

Seth Mason June 7, 2022
  1. Makes it easier for people to create URLs without having to visit JIRA. 
  2. The current method requires the URL creator to specify a view.  We've been defaulting to the "All Ideas" view.  

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