Create variable with IF formula and smart values

Silas Campbell
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December 21, 2024

I'm trying to set up an automation rule in my Discovery project with a 'create variable' action using an IF formula.

This is what I entered, but I keep getting 'Parameter not closed' errors, but I don't know what I'm doing wrong!

{{#if({{issue.customfield_10105}}.lt(3),{{issue.customfield_10105}},{"0 - {{issue.customfield_10105}}*100")}}{{/}}


This is the IF formula i am trying to create:

  • logical test: 'Effort' score is less than 3
  • if true: 'Effort'
  • if false: 0 - 'Effort' * 100 (turns 'Effort' into a negative value and multiplies it by 100)


I'd be grateful if anyone can help me!

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Bill Sheboy
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December 21, 2024

Hi @Silas Campbell -- Welcome to the Atlassian Community!

You appear to be trying the format of if() function which has true / false values:

That format is this: {{if(smartValue, "value if true", "value if false")}}

Please note there is no pound sign # before the if() and once inside of the expression, no additional curly brackets are needed.  Also, you cannot use a literal value of 0 directly as the expression values are text and not within a math expression.

You seem to want to negate the field value and multiple by 100 for the "false" case, so perhaps try this instead:

{{if(, issue.customfield_10105, issue.customfield_10105.multiply(-100))}}


Kind regards,

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