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Copy Comments from JPD main section to linked EPIC on JS board

Michael de Marigny June 6, 2024

Hi All

We run a JPD board used by our business team who create ideas and so forth.  Once we have approved the Idea we create a delivery ticket on a JS board which consists of Epics, Tasks, Stories and so on.

The issue that I am having is that the Business team still add comments to the JPD board but I need to somehow copy / clone the comments to the delivery ticket epic.

Would this be possible to be done by an automation process?  If so, can you provide me a few steps please?

Thank you in advance.

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Nick H
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
June 11, 2024

Hi @Michael de Marigny ,

I got this automation to add the existing JPD idea's comments into the Jira delivery when the delivery is created:




While this additional automation adds new JPD idea-comments to the linked Jira delivery-comments after the delivery has already been created:



^ This formatting will avoid adding all of the idea's comments previously added at delivery creation, and only returns the most recently added comment once the idea and delivery have been linked.

This smart value doc. may help with formatting if your use case differs.


Please note - both of these automations will only add the comment(s), and not the author, timestamp, etc. - so you may need to adjust the smart value or information in each of your automations to include these too.

And if multiple idea-comments are being copied over (through the first automation), they are added into one delivery-comment separated by a comma:



Some other posts that vary a bit, but may help / might be worth reviewing:

How to copy comments from the original issue to the cloned issue

Copy Comments from One Ticket to Another During Automation

Jira Automation: copy comments from trigger issue, is it possible?


Hope that helps!


Michael de Marigny June 13, 2024

Thank you @Nick H works perfectly.

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