Automation-After trigger in JPD create Epics in other Jira & show Epics in delivery section of JPD

Yannic Wolf October 11, 2024

Hi there 

I have a question. I'd like to get an automation within our JPD that based on a trigger, e.g. status transition, create Epics or tasks in other Jira but link/show those tickets in the delivery section of the JPD idea ticket. 


I've managed to get the creation of the ticket to work but I am struggling to find a way that the tickets that are created to show in the idea delivery section. 

Screenshot 2024-10-11 154337.png

Any help would be greatly appreciated 

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Nick Haller
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
October 17, 2024

Hi @Yannic Wolf ,

I've been able to get an automation like the one below working as expected;

  1. WHEN an idea is transitioned to Delivery (enter your status here)
  2. THEN create a Jira issue (Epic)
  3. AND link it as a "delivery" (meaning the Jira issue would appear in the JPD idea's Delivery tab after the rule is executed)
    • is implemented by - Most recently created issue:



You can obviously map multiple idea fields to the issue fields within the THEN condition.

I would also check the Scope of your project and ensure it is open to both the JPD and Jira projects.

Otherwise, check the Audit logs tab to see if there is anything telling there.

Yannic Wolf October 18, 2024

Hi @Nick Haller 


Thank you! You might have hit the nail on the head with the Scope. 


I am investigating with our Jira admins whether that'S the case that's preventing me from linking. 


Either way thank you so much! 

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Gary Spross
Community Leader
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October 11, 2024

In the create issue component, add the issue link type: implements to the trigger issue.

Yannic Wolf October 11, 2024

Hi Gary, 


Thank you for the answer


I don't think I quite follow. Are you saying within the create issue component there should be a link type field? Or do you mean I create an And: Link issue  after the create Issue?


I tried that but it doesn't add it to the delivery section of the CPD idea 

Screenshot 2024-10-11 165044.png

Gary Spross
Community Leader
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October 11, 2024

You should be able to add the link either way, it doesn't matter.

Linking an issue with the implements link type connects the issues. For Ideas in JPD projects, this link type shows those tickets in the Delivery section. Did you try refreshing the Idea ticket? It should show the delivery Epic ticket in the Delivery section.

Yannic Wolf October 17, 2024

Hi Gary 


Thanks for your answer and apologies for the late reply 


I've used this automation: 

Screenshot 2024-10-11 164736.png

And it successfully creates the epic but even with a refresh it doesn't seem to link/add it to the JPD idea in the delivery section. 


I've also tried the 'is added to idea' linking and no dice. I've also tried refreshing as you suggested. 


Am I missing something? 




Gary Spross
Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
October 17, 2024

If you have "Linked Issues" on the "Create" dialog for the issue type (Epic) you are creating in the development project (Commercial Product), you can just add "Linked Issues" in the issue create component as opposed to having to do a branch.


Screenshot 2024-10-17 103933.png

If you don't have "Linked Issues" on the "Create" dialog (and don't want to put it there), then you can do a branch on the "Most recently created issue" AFTER you create the Epic. Just make sure whatever project you are creating the issue in ("Commercial Product" in this case) is in the rules scope, otherwise it won't be able to find the newly created issue to update it.


Screenshot 2024-10-17 104127.png

I tested it both ways and it worked.

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Laura Pellizzari
October 11, 2024

Hi, why not adding to the automation the action: link issue with a specific link type?

And after proceed with another automation to fill in JPD delivery section


Yannic Wolf October 11, 2024

Hi Laura 

Thank you for your help. 

Apologies I don't think I fully follow 


Are you suggesting I do a And: Link issue to like so 

but how can I then have this added to JPD delivery section? 

Screenshot 2024-10-11 164736.png


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October 13, 2024

That should do the trick to link the issue 

Yannic Wolf October 17, 2024

Hi Lila 

Unfortunately it didn't do the trick :( not sure why. it is successfully creating the epics in the other Jira instance but not adding it to the delivery section  within the idea in JPD 



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