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Letting contributors create ideas in a Jira Product Discovery project


CC June 22, 2023

@Tanguy Crusson sorry for the delay, we just finished a week of planning.  Any ballpark on when the "create" experience will be available for creators? 

I would like to add to your list, allowing contributors to edit their own creations.


Tanguy Crusson
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
June 23, 2023

Hi @CC , it should hopefully get there in the next week. (create experience for creators)

> I would like to add to your list, allowing contributors to edit their own creations.

I don't think that's going to happen. That's literally the only meaningful difference between creators and contributors. If we added that it would be the equivalent of just shipping a free product 🙂 Gotta pay the bills!

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Jeny Stoeva June 23, 2023

Hi @Tanguy Crusson ,

Could you please cast some light on the topic of enabling different idea creation templates (views). Is this features planned or not considered yet?


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Tanguy Crusson
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
June 23, 2023

@Jeny Stoeva we'll look at it when we revisit the contributor experience. For now this hasn't come up that often in user feedback. But I'm sure we'll get to it later. 

We're focusing our efforts on the sharing / stakeholders experience instead at the moment. 

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CC June 23, 2023

@Tanguy Crusson Super, super, super excited about the creator experience.  

Apologies for not being clear, I only want the contributors to be able to edit data they are allowed to enter.  For example, the description (which is based on the template) and the required fields.

For example, I am able to edit the comment I just made with greater detail.

Tanguy Crusson
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
June 23, 2023

Gotcha thanks @CC - today in the Jira permission model it's kind of 0 or 1: either you can edit all fields or you can edit none, which makes things like this relatively complex to implement. We'll consider this feedback for future iterations. 

Sarah Green June 27, 2023

Does JPD have the ability to merge ideas? 

Also, are there any plans to make insights independent of ideas? I believe this would be a better solution than allowing contributors to create ideas - we would end up with a massive backlog of unprocessed ideas (even with the ability to merge ideas). If insights are an independent entity, then contributors could submit Insights that are processed separately and then tied to ideas.

Sabine Lambrecht June 27, 2023

Hi @Sarah Green 

I already merged ideas and it is a great feature. It is an option in the dropdown in the 3 dots in the top corner (when the idea is opened in the side panel). And a separate button in the top corner when you have opened the idea on a full screen.

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Phuc Luu Bao July 24, 2023

Hi @Tanguy Crusson May I know if it's possible for Contributors to edit the ideas that they submitted after submission? I'm currently on beta and can see that it's not possible for now, wondering if that will change in the Standard version?

Tanguy Crusson
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 25, 2023

@Phuc Luu Bao this is not possible today - people can submit ideas but not edit them. Only creators can edit ideas. 

Lauren July 25, 2023

@Tanguy Crusson I've scoured the last three pages which seem to be the latest comments to this page, but haven't seen a request to be able to


Only share specific views to contributors

What is it?

When using this for both idea collection & product discovery, it would be great to be able to select specific views in the JPD that is made available to contributors either by named user or user group rather than them having access to all views automatically.

Why is this important?

In this case, I want to create a view titled "Ideas portal" and allow all contributors to be able to submit and idea, then vote on the rest of the ideas. A hack I guess for the other requests about a full on ideas portal like Aha! provide.

Even if I were to restrict a view to show only ideas that e.g. have been triaged by product for voting, contributors can still click on another view and see the full list.


Limit field visibility to contributors

What is it?

When using this for both idea collection & product discovery, it would be great to be able to select which fields are "public" to contributors vs which fields are "private" to creators and/or a user group like engineers.

Why is this important?

I believe currently if you have the previously mentioned ideas portal as a separate view. If a user clicks on the idea, the full set of field values are visible in the ideas details panel that opens. Working in the same JPD as a product manager that your users are submitting ideas, I don't want user contributors to see our work in progress, description, notes, etc. I want to be able to choose which fields are visible not only in the table, but also when the issue is clicked on by a contributor for more details. 

Tanguy Crusson
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 25, 2023

@Lauren you are correct, this is not possible today. We are working on this as part of the "stakeholders" feature described here:

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Patrick Blackburn October 4, 2023

How to get the URL to top blue create button? 

Great product @Tanguy Crusson 
To collect issues in Jira SW we use a collector and embed the url like https:// <mycompany><####>&issuetype<####> in confluence and sharepoint so users go directly to the form.  How is this done in Jira Product Discovery?  

I have configured the "create idea" to use a custom "submit ideas here" view and it works great when the create button is clicked in the UI.  When i use the PID and Issuetype in the above format it launches the create idea but it contains every field in the project instead of the custom "submit ideas here".  
Is it possible to have a URL that pulls the correct form? 

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Tanguy Crusson
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
October 6, 2023

@Patrick Blackburn what you see is what you get today:

  • you can customize the form
  • but it only shows if you're in the project

What issue collector do you use otherwise? wondering if you could reuse that to point to a Jira Product Discovery project

Patrick Blackburn October 6, 2023

@Tanguy Crusson thanks for the response.  For creating issues in Jira Software we use the URL that takes us straight to the create issue form  
https:// <mycompany><####>&issuetype<####> where PID is the project ID and issuteype # indicates what type (epic, story, bug, etc)
I used the PID and Issuetype for my Product Discovery project and Idea and it did bring up a form but it looked to contain every field in the system and json - not the customized form that i set in the project settings for the create button
Portion shown below

Create issue

Project: GDII Idea Intake
Issue: Type Idea
Summary Required
Description,  Preview description Linked Issues  automates is automated by Big Rock Item  Big Rock            blocks  is blocked by  Discovered while testing  Testing discovered  clones   is cloned by  created   created by   is a duplicate of    is duplicated by   has to be finished with  has to be done before                             has to be done after                             Is Implemented by                              Implements                             From Initiative                              To Initiative                             split to                             split from                             is parent of                             is child of                             is idea for                             added to idea                             implements                             is implemented by                             merged from                             merged into                             causes                             is caused by                             refers to                             is referred to by                             affects                             is affected by                             relates to                             SF-depends on                             is SF-depended by                             SS-depends on                             is SS-depended by                             is a dependent sub-project                             has dependent sub-project                             supersedes                             is superseded by                             tests                             tested by                             verifies                             is verified by                     Issue                                                 
Begin typing to search for issues to link. If you leave it blank, no link will be made.
AssigneePatrick Blackburn Unassigned Automatic 
Reporter Required   Patrick Blackburn                     
Start typing to get a list of possible matches.
P0 - Highest P1 - High P2 - Medium P3 - Low  P4 - Lowest               
Begin typing to find and create labels or press down to select a suggested label.
Project target

Once an idea has been selected and prioritized you can plan its delivery. This field represents when delivery work aims to complete.



{"type":"text","text":"A user value that an idea will deliver"}




{"type":"text","text":"Rated manually, and represents how each idea contributes to the goal"}


Sanwar Mal December 20, 2023
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Dawid Górniak
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February 22, 2024

Hi! Is this feature (allowing Contributors add Ideas) widely available or still in beta testing (for some accounts)? I activated it at Settings/Features/Create_ideas but my Contributors still can't see the Create button. When I try it through "Preview in project" I don't see it neither.

EDIT: Solved. I was looking for the wrong Create button. There is one for Contributors and that's seems just enough :)

Geordie Lindsay-Russell
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March 5, 2024

Feature request please:
As a... contributor who is less experienced with JPD projects,
When... I follow a shared "Create Idea" link,
I want... the "Create an Idea" form to be displayed automatically,
So that... I can submit my idea easily - even with limited familiarity and understanding.

Context: We're a retail enterprise (20k+) with numerous outlets across the country under different brand names. A significant number of our Atlassian-Jira users are not well-versed in Jira. In an effort to migrate 'ideas' from Google Forms to JPD, our customers frequently find it challenging to adapt to the new step of not being directed immediately to a submission form upon clicking the link.

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David Wyss April 17, 2024

Question: Is the billing/pricing based on "product access" roles or "role" roles? We do have some team members that are "Creators" in product access, but "Contributor" in role (seeScreenshot 2024-04-17 104234.png screenshot).

David Wyss April 17, 2024

Also: It seems that JPD just switched some of our contributors to creators. We initially only had 3 creators to stay in the free tier, but JPD automatically changed the product access to creator for 2 of our contributors. Is that a known bug or somehow related to letting contributors create ideas?

Tanguy Crusson
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
April 18, 2024

@David Wyss 

  • Product role = does someone have a license or not? (product access = true)
  • Project role = what's the set of permissions for them in the project. It's capped by product role (as in: if someone doesn't have a license but you give them creator project role, they will only be able to use permissions that a contributor can use)

On your other issue: there's nothing JPD can do to grant users product access. It's likely that there is a user group that has been given JPD product access (e.g. the site-admins user group), and any time you add users to this group they automatically get product access

Christine Rhinehart
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June 3, 2024

Contributors should be able to edit the ideas that they created. It is very common for someone to want to edit something they wrote. Please update your role permissions logic to allow contributors to edit their own ideas.

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