Improvements to Atlassian links

Hi JPD Community!

Rohan here, one of the PMs on Jira Product Discovery. I have exciting news to share: We’ve released a much-requested improvement that allows you to add Atlassian links to hyperlinks fields. No more unreadable URLs! Now you’ll easily be able to see what a URL links to in just a glance. Links to content in other Atlassian products will show the name of that page, and Jira issue links will include the status too.


When you embed a Jira Product Discovery link into a Confluence doc or Jira Software issue, pinned fields will appear so readers can quickly see key information without having to leave the page.

Embed in a Confluence requirements page:


Embed in a Jira description 3.png

Check out the demo below to see how to set this up  Improvements to Link Handling in Jira Product Discovery


agileautonomy February 5, 2024

Hello @Rohan Swami


🙌🏻 These are great improvements! I have been one of those requesting this.

❓ In addition to the smart rendering of links do you plan to have the standard way of Jira-Confluence interaction? In more detail, I refer to

  1. If a JSM ticket is mentioned on a Conf page it is added to the JSM ticket Conf section,
  2. Adding a dedicated section for linked Conf pages on the JSM ticket.

🚀 Keep up the great work!

Tere Pile
February 5, 2024

Thanks!  Needed this, I am curious if the URL can be a 1:Many vs. multiple customer URL links
re: we use an external vendor for many projects, we manage the high level in our instance, and the delivery in their instance.  Clearly same functionality of delivery isn't feasible, but looking for some means to show a one to many

Andy Lutz
February 5, 2024

Hi @Rohan Swami, the embed in Confluence is killer. Our current "Feature Description" in JPD overlaps a lot of content/documentation we host in Confluence, with PMs having to update the same content in both JPD and Confluence. This will help solve for that and save PM time.

I am curious about the decision to use pinned fields in the embed, since those are a personal setting and will vary from user to user. There's a lot of "standard fields" that I would want to show up for all users in the embed in Confluence, rather than relying on individual users to have the right pinned fields.

It's not an easy problem to solve for, but is there any consideration to being able to apply a set of standard fields to these embeds for all users?


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Martin Lundhgren February 6, 2024

Very nice!

Rohan Swami
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
February 6, 2024

@agileautonomy thanks for the feedback! We haven't got a fully defined end state on this yet. How would having those 2 features help you?

@Tere Pile Currently the URL fields supports a single URL. The best option for you may be to add those links in the description field, although this won't appear in views.

@Andy Lutz When you select which fields are pinned, it will apply to all other users as well. Thanks for your feedback!

@Martin Lundhgren thanks!

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