How can we help you with Jira Product Discovery? Book a time to chat!

Hi all,

I hope you are having a good week and Jira Product Discovery is treating you well!

You may have seen myself and @Kesha Thill around the JPD community answering questions, posting about webinars, etc.

As we plan ahead, we are trying to get a better understanding of what we can do to help you succeed with Jira Product Discovery - outside the product itself. For example:


🔎 How has your experience been in discovering and implementing JPD? Any hiccups or challenges that we can address?

🏆 Did you encounter any roadblocks in advocating for it within your organization? 

📚 We've been hard at work creating resources to help you make the most out of JPD but what more can we do to help?


Book a time to chat

The best way for us to help is talk over Zoom! We'd be immensely grateful if you could spare 30mins to chat

🇺🇸 If you're in the US timezone, schedule a chat with Kesha here: Book a Slot with Kesha

🇦🇺 If you're in APAC timezone (Australia), connect with John here: Book a Slot with John

Thanks as ever for your continued use of JPD.

Look forward to talking!

John & Kesha


P.s - my colleague @Chris Hall is specifically looking to talk to engineering managers (or any similar roles) so if this sounds like you - you can book a time to chat with him here:




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