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Get started with the Jira Product Discovery community

Hi there! 👋 Welcome to the Jira Product Discovery Community! We’re so happy to have you here!

This post will guide you through the community and how to get the most out of it – so bookmark this page!

Let’s take a spin!

Have a question or a topic to discuss?

You might be here because you have a question about Jira Product Discovery or discovery practices for your team. Great! You’re in the right place.

To ask a question, simply click the “ask the community” button in the top nav or click this link.


From here, you can ask a question or start a discussion.

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Need resources?

We’ve got you covered! Directly above the collection’s feed, you will see a collection of tabs for the different types of resources available in this community.


  • Questions: All questions posed by community members are kept here. You can easily search for content using the search bar.

  • Discussions: This is where you can find in-depth discussions about product management topics.
  • Articles: This is where you’ll find articles from Atlassian experts.

  • Videos: Here you will find all our video resources – great if you’re more of a visual learner!

Want to get updates?

You can easily get updates on all new content added to the Community by clicking the “Watch” button in the righthand nav. You can select which types of posts you want to receive updates for, via email or RSS.


Ready to dive in?

We hope you enjoy exploring our Community and find it a helpful resource! If you have any questions, please feel free to leave them in the comments section below! And if you have any suggestions for pieces of content or topics you would like more information about, feel free to leave those in the comments below, as well! 👇

1 comment

Saharany Dhevan Karim
August 10, 2024



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