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login jira cloud in intune android enrolled byod with work profile

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May 10, 2022

we have integrated jira cloud to azure AD for sso.

login using work account in windows ms edge browser is working.

login using work account in android ms edge browser is working.

login using work account in jira cloud mobile app is not working - login loops as per below video. In azure ad sign in logs, it shows success in authentication.

Android mobile are enrolled to intune as byod with work profile and jira cloud is login in work profile.

All intune settings, azure ad for sso are the same. I believe there is some bug in the app itself because using the same phone, and enrolled to another account and login jira cloud -no issue. 

I have tried to clear cache and cookie in managed edge browser in mobile and cleared jira cloud app data and also reinstall the jira cloud mobile app (version 91.1.4) - still the same login loops issue.

Do you have any idea? where to see log or anything? thanks

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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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May 11, 2022

Could you explain what this has to do with Atlassian stuff?  Intune is not something we can help you with.

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I'm New Here
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May 11, 2022

because i think jira cloud mobile app does not seems to work very well in intune android enrolled as byod work profile

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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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May 11, 2022

So Intune is not working, you'll need to talk to the vendor of Intune.

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