Top down design rather than bottom up monitoring

Joseph Flynn
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September 13, 2024

Hi crew.  I am relatively experienced in Jira and have been trying to find a good solution for top-down design for new programs.  My company has an Align instance and I am looking for a good demo to convince my leadership to use it for my business unit.

Nearly all of the demos I have have seen start off with a great explanation of how to align work to corporate goals through themes etc etc down to Jira work teams.  But they gloss over that in an academic setting.

Then they jump right into an example of a fully blown out program and monitoring it.

Has anyone seen a good demo or whitepaper on how to start with a corporate goal, drill down through initiatives and start to lay out portfolio epics across time?  These would not yet have buy in from the work teams but are more like Product Mgmt Asks.  Sort of like a "Portfolio PI Planning" event.

Then those portfolio epics get decomposed into Jira epics/features and have a more traditional PI planning done on them.

Finally when all is said and done, we can roll back up the pyramid and monitor.

I know this is a lot to ask but any starting reads for top-down would be greatly appreciated.

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Steve Sauser
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
September 13, 2024

@Joseph Flynn This is a great question (although one that can likely not be answered in a Community discussion), the design of this kind of structure really require more in depth analysis and expertise in Agile Frameworks, At Scale Design, Jira Strategy & Guardrails, Jira Align integrations/configurations, etc...  

What I think we can provide is an understanding of the Strategic Snapshots which is really the start of a top-down design and I have linked an article below which explains the snapshots.  

The rest of your question really requires a more consultative design approach and I would highly suggest engaging with Atlassian's Advisory Services.  Our Advisory offerings would provide an organization a wealth of knowledge and abilities that would greatly advance your agenda.  

Strategic Snapshots - What are they and how do they work? 

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