There are no records that meet the criteria?

sachin gangam
October 15, 2021

Hello All,

Happy Friday!!

I constantly see 'There are no records that meet the criteria' error pop up on my screen on various occasions.. is there a way to resolve this?

Use case 1: Created a story in jira..clicked on jira align issuelink under the story..logs me into jira align and takes me to that newly synced story..I see error pop up on the screen (I thought maybe my top tier filter is not right, so I chose the right team that this story belongs to, but still see the error)

Use case 2: Choose 'Portfolio' on top tier filter and went to 'search -- features', Takes me to features view with error popping up 'There are no records that meet the criteria' . Error goes away after I click on the top tier filter and hit Apply.

As an Admin I ignore this error and move on, but for users it is very confusing as they don't know what it means. 




2 answers

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Tina Behers
Community Leader
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October 19, 2021

@sachin gangam 

There a couple of key "rules" (used lightly) when searching for items/viewing grids. 

I'll list bottom to top: 


To view stories in grid or backlog Tier 1 filter:

Select Program or Team - 

When PI is selected the story MUST be assigned to a sprint associated with the PI, else you will get "no records", else if "unassigned" is selected in Tier one filter ONLY stories which are not assigned to a sprint will show. 

In Backlog view - Program or Team must be selected AND you must also select sprints or unassigned to view stories- When Program is selected - you must also select team(s) in the next tier filters. 


To view Features in grids or backlog view: 

Select Program, Solution or Portfolio - 

When PI is selected the feature MUST be assigned to the PI AND the selected Program (child of selected Solution or program) Filter 1.PNG

When Unassigned (no PI Selection) is selected the feature MUST NOT be assigned to a PI associated to the program/solution/capability. Filter 3.PNG

* Note* I mention the PI associated to the Program(s) as children of the Portfolio.  When PI"s are built they are first associated to a Portfolio - then to one or more programs (not solutions) - If you have more than one PI for a portfolio that splits the programs.  i.e. PI 1 - is for Programs A, D and Z and PI2 is for programs B,G and T - when you select a portfolio in Tier one and PI1 - you will ONLY see features that are associated to programs A,D,Z AND PI1....  

 - Selection of PIs on work items IS restricted based on the program selected. 

-- When the feature is multi-program one or both programs and matching PI must be selected in Tier 1.. If no work items match ALL selected Tier one filters, then we get ... Filter 2.PNG


I hope this added a little bit of clarity to your experience. :D 

Tina Behers

0 votes
Derek Huether
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
October 15, 2021

@sachin gangam I was able to replicate your issue. I think what might be happening is the system is remembering your current or last top tier filter settings. As an admin, you have access to more portfolios and program increments than the users. 

Based on your previous or current filter setting, when you follow the link from Jira, it's merely passing you to the feature grid or story grid. It's not establishing Portfolio or Program context defined in the top tier filter.

If the user is an "integrated" user, they have a much narrower access and should see that error less frequently. But I believe that is what you're running into.



sachin gangam
October 18, 2021

Thank you @Derek Huether . If that's the case why am I getting an error even when I  'reset' all my filters in my top tier and chose a 'program' and search for epics?

Derek Huether
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
October 18, 2021

I feel I need more information on your scenario. But given the information you've provided so far, the variables stored in the URL may tell a more complete story.  Say you are navigating from location A to location B, configuration settings from the tier 1 filter will display in your URL. If some of those values pass to a page where they are incompatible, you'd see an alert message. Refreshing or making some change will clear the incompatible values and the data will display. 

You may have to submit a ticket on this.  
If you do, detail your steps (and include screenshots).
Include the URLs in your screenshots. I don't recommend publishing your URL here in a public forum. But if you submit a ticket, they'll ask for it.

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