The sprints from Jira to Jira Align are not synching.

Ann Bouvier
July 30, 2020

I have an epic in Jira that has 7 stories.  The sprint for those 7 stories have been updated in Jira, but are not reflecting the same sprint in Jira Align.

I have re-synced the board, and the sprints are mapped correctly between jira and Jira Align.

Any help why I am not seeing the updated sprints in Jira Align?

2 answers

1 vote
Tom O'Connor
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
August 4, 2020

Check out this FAQ that has a bunch of articles on the Jira/Jira Align integration and I constantly point back to these various articles to solve issues.


Search for the articles with "sprint" in the title and review those to help solve your issue.  

0 votes
Kelley Cooper July 30, 2020

Are both the Reporter and Assignee of the 7 Stories in Jira which you are attempting to sync Jira Align users associated with the correct permissions in JA?

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