Multiple Jira instances to 1 Align instance

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February 22, 2024

We have 3 Jira instances and are looking to connect to 1 Jira Align instance via the connector. 


I believe connection from more than one Jira-to-Align ART is not possible (as of this week), are we still able to have a more than one Jira to Align Portfolio connection? 

Could someone please confirm if we are able to proceed with connecting multiple Jira instances to 1 Align instance? 

3 answers

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Allan Maxwell
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
February 23, 2024

Could someone please confirm if we are able to proceed with connecting multiple Jira instances to 1 Align instance? 


Yes, you can connect multiple instances of Jira and a single instance of Align.  You will need multiple Connectors, one for each instance of Jira.  You may also need to check you license agreement; I believe the 3 connectors are included in the basic license agreement, but more can be added.

If your Jira Align instance is in the Cloud, you will need to create a support request to enable the additional Connectors.  If you are on-prem, it is probably still a good idea to contact Atlassian support for specific instructions on starting the additional Connector background processess.

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Karan Madaan
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
February 22, 2024

@sangeetha.ravichandran you can connect more than 1 Jira instance to Jira align, however if the intent is to connect Jira projects from 2 different Jira instance under one Jira Align Program, that's not possible.


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Pramodh M
Community Leader
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February 22, 2024

Hi @sangeetha.ravichandran 

As described in this community question, you may need to consider issue sync into one Jira Project and then connect Jira Align into it


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