How do I fix Jira Sprint Status in Align when it does not match the Sprint Status in Jira?

Paula Hidalgo
November 21, 2023

The Sprint status shown in the Align > Settings> CONNECTORS Jira Managment > Jira Sprints for a specific board does not match the Sprint status in Jira.  Example for board ID 1234, Jira Sprint 36148 shows active and Jira Sprint 38890 shows active.  The correct status for Jira Sprint 36418 is Closed and Jira Sprint 38890 has the correct status of Active.

I can verify Sprint 36148 is closed in Jira by the API call which returns "state": "closed".

The two sprints between these (Jira Sprint 38555 and Jira Sprint 38889) show the correct Jira status Closed.

Any ideas on how to fix the Jira Staus for Sprint 36148?

NOTE: In Jira Software, we do NOT allow parallel sprints for company-managed projects.  The project with the wrong Sprint Status is company-managed.

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Allan Maxwell
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
November 21, 2023

@Paula Hidalgo I assume you have tried this already, but just incase:


To sync Jira sprints on demand:

  1. Navigate to Admin -> Jira Management
  2. Open the Jira Sprints tab.
  3. From the Boards drop-down menu above the grid, select the board with the sprints you want to synchronize on demand.
  4. Click the Sync Board Now button.
  5. To synchronize sprints for the other boards if needed, repeat Steps 2–3.
Paula Hidalgo
November 21, 2023

@Allan Maxwell - Tried Sync Board Now button again just to verify I had clicked that button.  Did not work.  Should I open a Support ticket? 

Allan Maxwell
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
November 22, 2023

@Paula Hidalgo Yes, I would go ahead and open a support ticket.  Just out of curiosity, do you see anything in the Connector logs?


  1. Navigate to Admin -> Jira Settings
  2. Click view logs (https://{YOUR COMPANY NAME} )
  3. Change the drop down to Iterations
  4. Search for the the Jira Sprint ID


Screenshot 2023-11-22 at 8.47.40 AM.png

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